25./26. Nov 2021: Online Workshop: Ethics and Methods in Arctic Transformative Research

In der Arktikforschung besteht wachsendes Interesse daran, Forschungsmethoden und Ethiken zu hinterfragen, um Teilhabe für alle, insbesondere indigene Personen, zu ermöglichen. In dem Workshop der IASS in Kooperation mit dem UFZ berichten u.a. Stan Wilson und Barbara Schellhammer von ihrem Weg, gemeinsam ein Buch zu veröffentlichen.

Der Workshop wird auf Englisch statt finden. Bitte melden Sie sich unter info@arctic-ethics.org an.

Arctic Ethics (arctic-ethics.org)

Arctic research has seen growing interest in co-creative and collaborative aproaches in recent years. Awareness about the harms of past and present practices and the need to decolonize institutions and methods and to Indigenize research has increased.

To ensure that exploitative research practices will be overcome, and research relationships are improved, it is necessary to address the "how to" of co-creative research. In the Workshop Stan Wilson and Barbara Schellhammer among others will talk about their experiences of publishing a book together.

Here you can learn how to participate in the workshop.