Auftakt zu einem Netzwerk: Epistemische Gewalt in der Philosophie

Am 1. und 2. Dezember 2022 fanden an der Hochschule für Philosophie München ein zweitägiger Workshop und ein Round Table zum Thema "Diskursmacht - Wissen Teilhabe" statt. Die Vortragenden und Teilnehmenden diskutierten die Rolle epistemischer (auf Wissen bezogener) Gewalt in der Philosophie.

Alle Informationen zu den Veranstaltungen zu epistemischer Gewalt in der Philosophie an der HFPH finden Sie hier. Gefördert wurde die Veranstaltung durch SWIP, pro philosophia e.V., zem::dg und das Zentrum für Globale Fragen.



"This conference was a testimonial to the possibility of anti-hegemonic and community-based spaces within an institution not built around this goal. In this it was a source of intellectual fascination and of great hope for many people who have been - on one level or another - excluded and traumatized by this institution. If we want academia to engage in struggles for more equality, conferences like this and people like these are exactly what we need!"


"Thanks so much for this workshop and the amazing, participatory space for good academic practice! The combination of well-chosen, in depth contributions and discussions of specific aspects of the main theme with enough space during break times to continue discussion, networking and sharing plus a method-mix of classical lectures with small group work, body mapping, and forum-theater really enhanced philosophical thinking and opened a space with much equal opportunity to participate."


"Working on issues of epistemic injustice and/or violence, be that from a feminist, post- or decolonial perspective, often means being marginalized or oppressed without the possibility or opportunity to speak up and be taken seriously. This toxic environment can take a toll on a person. Finding a community such as the one formed in Munich in the beginning of December 2022 can help both making epistemic injustice more visible but also the struggles associated with it more bearable. "




Flyer and Poster

2022_WiSe_Diskursmacht_Workshop mit 3mm Anschnitt.jpg

