8. März 2022: Working Group Transformative Research

We need to critically reflect our research methods, epistemologies and our attitudes as researches. Here you find introducing information and continuing thoughts on transformative research. This is also a platform of the international and interdisciplinary Working Group Transformative Research (WGTR). Next meetings are on March 8th and June 17th 2022.

The international, interdisciplinary working group on transforamtive research meets online three to four times a year to support each others research projects. Trying to embrace uncertainty and ambivalences we enter processes of reflection.

Here you can read about past and coming events: https://digi-log.org/en/artikel/98

You do not know what transformative research is? Click here for a short introduction.

If you are interested in joining us in a session, please send an e-mail: zgf@hfph.de